citect versions

Evolution Over The Years.

Late '80's

Version 1 for DOS

This was the start of it all. It could do more than the competitors. The developers were responsive and innovative

MID '90's

After Citect went Public

The logo said it all. It could do pretty much anything that was required, with a skilled programmer.

2004 - 2007

The Real Citect

Version 6 was released with much fanfare, promoting the "V6". The release event included racing suits and crash helmets.

2007 - 2015

Version 7

Support for Windows 7


First Schneider version

Schneider had their own HMI called Vijeo and decided to try unified branding. This was quietly dropped as it only alienated Citect users.


Schneider Version 8

This Schneider iteration was promoting the new Schneider logo. This stayed around for a few years, then vanished with the Aveva merger.


Citect with new features

This iteration came with a raft of new features. The Aveva influence and product integration continuing.


Citect brand finally deleted

The latest iteration of the product. Aveva do not even mention it on their website as a product. That doesn't bode well for the loyal Citect users, that have stuck with the product through the different owners. Aveva seem to have no real interest in the product as they never even bothered to buy the domain name.


Place holder
